Watch an intergenerational solidarity conversation between Misty Copeland, Rennie Harris and Kara Mack about the dance world as it relates to their different dance styles and experiences. They cover how dance is a form of solidarity, what types of solidarity they experienced as Black dancers, and how different dance genres should be in active solidarity with each other.
If you’re inspired by this conversation and ready to take your own steps towards solidarity take the pledge today!
The planet we live on is in crisis, increasingly divided by bigotry, inequity, and violence.
We are called to respond with kindness, through words of love and support to those who are hurting.
With generosity, bringing food to the hungry, warmth to those who are cold, and with money when we can.
With courage, actively working against racism, exploitation and hate, and asking others to do the same.
We respond with acts of solidarity. Solidarity in the form of courage, kindness, generosity, passion, and any act that heals and not harms.
Solidarity in the form of voting with empathy, love and consideration of the needs of everyone as much as our own.
Solidarity is our response to a world in crisis.